
The essence of deviant behavior, the factors leading to it, its varieties and legal consequences are considered. Illegal behavior, immoral acts, various addictions, suicides are all realities of today. Abnormality and deviance become a typical and widespread phenomenon, especially dangerous is the fairly widespread delinquent behavior, as a result of which society gradually sinks into a state of anomie, which is a companion of any crises and social upheavals. This determines the topicality of the topic. Currently, the spread of deviant forms of behavior is facilitated by the crisis state of society, corruption, the war waged by Russia against Ukraine, legal nihilism, and social injustice. Deviant behavior affected the criminalization of society, an increase in crime rates and a change in its structure in the direction of expanding the social base at the expense of deviants, a decrease in public interest in moral issues, an increase in immorality and hypocrisy, and deformation of legal consciousness. Deviance is a relative characteristic associated with the changing standards and social expectations of a community that change in space and time. Social factors are not the only determinants of deviations. Personal factors also lead to deviant behavior, including criminal behavior. The essential determinants of deviant behavior are antisocial personality development, unfavorable social conditions and psychological characteristics of the individual. Marginality is both a prerequisite and a consequence of deviance. Characteristic features of the process of marginalization are a value vacuum, social maladaptation, and social disintegration, manifested in deviation. Marginalization can be a source of social conflicts, delinquent behavior and criminalization of society. The theoretical provisions and conclusions of the article develop and complement a number of sections of the general theory of law, criminology, will contribute to more effective implementation of rights and freedoms, crime prevention and prevention of individual crimes. This is the practical significance of this article.

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