
AIM: Aim of the study is to nd the causes of hemoptysis in inpatients in a tertiary care hospital in south India. METHODS AND MATERIAL: Retrospective study. case sheets of Inpatients either admitted to the thoracic medicine department for hemoptysis and inpatients who later developed hemoptysis were included in the study irrespective of the amount of hemoptysis. RESULTS: pulmonary tuberculosis constitutes 78.26% with sequelae patients constituting 52.17% and active case 25%. Other causes such as bronchiectasis, COPD-chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, carcinoma lung and ILD constitute 10.86%, 5.43%, 2.17%, 2.17% and 1.08% respectively. CONCLUSION: The most common cause of hemoptysis is pulmonary tuberculosis(active and sequelae). Among the pulmonary tuberculosis patients post tuberculous sequelae is the common cause. This followed by bronchiectasis, COPD-chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, carcinoma lung and interstitial lung disease.

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