
The present investigations have shown that, although there are definite risks in undertaking orthodontic treatment with fixed appliances, such treatment need not cause any appreciable damage when accepted orthodontic principles are followed in cooperative patients with good oral hygiene and regular fluoride treatment. On the other hand, when these principles are neglected, the damage may be considerable and the benefits from orthodontic treatment questionable. Progressively increasing evidence from preventive dentistry that the bacterial plaque is the single most important causative factor in periodontal breakdown, and is important also in causing dental caries, opens unique possibilities for the orthodontist and his auxiliary personnel with simple means to increase their patient's oral hygiene awareness. This would not only reduce the prevalence and severity of iatrogenic damage, but would increase the long-term benefits of the orthodontic therapy. Orthodontists may thus provide young adults with an improved esthetic facial appearance, a perfectly functioning occlusion, and the desire, interest, and possibilities of maintaining the dentition in this condition for all or most of their lives (Figs. 3 to 5, 12, and 13).

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