
ABSTRACTIntraplate orogeny remains an enigmatic process in terms of plate tectonics. Regional continental stress fi elds agree well with stress orientations predicted by the main forces driv-ing and resisting plate motion. However, regional continental stress fi elds fail to explain major localized compressive plate deformation in continental interiors far away from plate bound-aries. Global or plate-wide intraplate stress models typically assume a laterally homogeneous plate rheology and are confi ned to modeling the present, without addressing the antiquity of the current stress fi eld. An understanding of intraplate stress and deformation requires the linking of spatial variations in continental rheology with time-dependent plate geometry and driving forces. Here we demonstrate how the complex interplay between juxtaposed weak and strong geological provinces and changes in far-fi eld plate boundary forces has caused intra-plate orogenesis and tectonic reactivation in southeastern Australia during the Tertiary. Our fi ndings are contrary to the opinion that continental interiors are insensitive to compression at plate margins, and help to explain the mechanisms causing intraplate orogenesis.Keywords:

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