
Fault identification is essential for analyzing the root causes and propagation of faults. Traditional identification based on contribution plots often suffer from the smearing effect, a phenomenon where the residuals of fault variables smearing over other non-fault process variables due to the complex interconnections within the processes, potentially leading to ambiguous or inaccurate diagnosis. To address this, we propose the Causality-Embedded Reconstruction Network (CERN) based high-resolution fault identification for chemical process. CERN is an advanced graph network model that embeds causality, featuring a dual-decoding scheme comprising a causal decoder and an attribute decoder. This design ensures that feature reconstruction is guided by variables with established causal relationships, effectively isolating the feature representations of normal variables from the influence of fault variables that lack a causal connection. By leveraging this causality-embedded reconstruction, the smearing effect can be alleviated. Experiments conducted on a Continuous Stirred-Tank Reactor system and a real-world Continuous Catalytic Reforming process to demonstrate that the proposed CERN-based fault identification method not only improves the accuracy in identifying fault variables but also offers explanatory insights and traceability for fault diagnosis, showing prospects for industrial process safety.

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