
A recent trend of fair machine learning is to build a decision model subjected to causality-based fairness requirements, which concern with the causality between sensitive attributes and decisions. Almost all (if not all) solutions focus on a single fair decision model and assume no hidden confounder to model causal effects in a too simplified way. However, multiple interdependent decision models are actually used and discrimination may transmit among them. The hidden confounder is another inescapable fact and causal effects cannot be computed from observational data in the unidentifiable situation. To address these problems, we propose a method called CMFL (Causality-based Multiple Fairness Learning). CMFL parameterizes the causal model by response-function variables, whose distributions capture the randomness of causal models. CMFL treats each classifier as a soft intervention to infer the post-intervention distribution, and combines the fairness constraints with the classification loss to train multiple decision classifiers. In this way, all classifiers can make approximately fair decisions. Experiments on synthetic and benchmark datasets confirm its effectiveness, the response-function variables can deal with the unidentifiable issue and hidden confounders.

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