
Reasoning about the effect of interventions and counterfactuals is a fundamental task found throughout the data sciences. A collection of principles, algorithms, and tools has been developed for performing such tasks in the last decades. One of the pervasive requirements found throughout this literature is the articulation of assumptions, which commonly appear in the form of causal diagrams. Despite the power of this approach, there are significant settings where the knowledge necessary to specify a causal diagram over all variables is not available, particularly in complex, high-dimensional domains. In this paper, we introduce a new graphical modeling tool called cluster DAGs (for short, C-DAGs) that allows for the partial specification of relationships among variables based on limited prior knowledge, alleviating the stringent requirement of specifying a full causal diagram. A C-DAG specifies relationships between clusters of variables, while the relationships between the variables within a cluster are left unspecified, and can be seen as a graphical representation of an equivalence class of causal diagrams that share the relationships among the clusters. We develop the foundations and machinery for valid inferences over C-DAGs about the clusters of variables at each layer of Pearl's Causal Hierarchy - L1 (probabilistic), L2 (interventional), and L3 (counterfactual). In particular, we prove the soundness and completeness of d-separation for probabilistic inference in C-DAGs. Further, we demonstrate the validity of Pearl's do-calculus rules over C-DAGs and show that the standard ID identification algorithm is sound and complete to systematically compute causal effects from observational data given a C-DAG. Finally, we show that C-DAGs are valid for performing counterfactual inferences about clusters of variables.

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