
Catalogue of the Santonian rudists from the La Cadière-d’Azur Formation (Le Beausset Basin, SE France) of the Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona The inventory and revision of the 162 catalogue numbers of rudist bivalves from the Lower Santonian of the La Cadière-d’Azur Formation (Le Beausset basin, SE France) has allowed identifying 17 species. The specimens, kept in the palaeontology collections of the MCNB, come from some rudist classical localities in the region such as Moulin de la Roque, Le Castellet, La Cadière-d’Azur and Le Beausset. The recognized species are Hippuritella maestrei (Vidal), Hippuritella toucasi(d’Orbigny), Hippurites matheroni Douvillé, Hippurites socialis Douvillé, Hippurites sublaevis Matheron, Pseudovaccinites beaussetensis (Toucas), Pseudovaccinites galloprovincialis (Matheron), Biradiolites acuticostatus (d’Orbigny), Biradiolites angulosissimus Toucas, Biradiolites fissicostatus d’Orbigny, Bournonia excavata (d’Orbigny), Praeradiolites caderensis Toucas, Praeradiolites toucasi (d’Orbigny), Radiolites galloprovincialis Matheron, Radiolites squamosus d’Orbigny, Plagioptychus aguilloni (d’Orbigny) and an indeterminate requienid. Among them, H. maestrei is cited for the first time in the region, while others have already been reported in the Le Beausset basin outcrops by previous studies.

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