
One of the outstanding authorities on California's journalistic development has observed that the early missionaries interested primarily in the spiritual and economic welfare of their simple and primitive Indian charges, and in their work had no use for books or other products of the press!'1 And while it is true that the missionaries were forced by the rudimentary educational level of the California neophytes to rely on means other than the printed page to instruct their natives, it is interesting to note that the first book published in the state was, in fact, a catechism printed at Monterey in 1823.2 In the field of newspapers and magazines, Catholic journalistic influences stretch back to August, 1846, when the Calif ornian, first newspaper published in the state, was printed on a machine borrowed from the mission at Monterey.3 Since that time the Catholic press has consistently been an active force in California life. As early as 1850, the New York Freeman! s Journal and Catholic Register carried a regular column from a Sacramento correspondent signing himself as Philos}' but thought to be Dr. Gregory Phelan. Between 1853 and 1854, the Catholic Standard was published at San Francisco but was eventually discontinued for lack of patronage.4 The Monitor was founded in March, 1858, by James Marks, Patrick J. Thomas and James Hamill. Thomas A. Brady assumed control of the in i860 and throughout the Civil War its pages reflected the sympathies of its pro-Southern editor. A mob led by Warren C. Butler wrecked the paper's offices in 1865 and everything went into the street in a splintered heap!'5 The Universe replaced the Monitor between April 14 and June 10, 1865, and was known as a weekly paper . . . devoted to Catholicism and Irish affairs!'6 Within a month Brady was able to restore his paper's earlier title, noting that we have the satisfaction of resuming today the publication of the Monitor'.'1 Its title has varied slightly through the years. From 1875 to 1877 it was

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