
Various manganese oxides are considered as rather active ORR catalysts and/or supercapacitor materials for operation in alkaline medium. However all these oxides are thermodynamically unstable at high pH and undergo more or less slow transformations to non-stoichiometric oxides containing alkali metal cations M (MxMnO2*nH2O, known also as birnessite mineral). We report a possibility to deposit birnessite thin layers by means of permanganate cathodic reduction. We consider ORR activities and reversible recharging data for birnessite deposited at various potentials with account for XRD information on birnessite cell disordering and microscopic data on the morphology of the deposits.Deposition is complicated by formation of soluble Mn(V) and Mn(VI) species and their disproportionation. However fortunately these by-side reactions appear to be strongly inhibited by forming birnessite solid, and the resulting current efficiencies are high enough. We compare deposition efficiency and adhesion for Pt, Ni, and glassy carbon supports. The best adhesion is found for Ni support.Deposits morphology strongly depends on deposition potential. Thin deposits formed at low overvoltage demonstrate homogeneously distributed pores, and only starting from sub-mkm thickness branched flakes appear, which are typical for natural birnessite morphology. Contrary, at higher overvoltage the deposits start to branch from the very beginning, and consist from thin flakes exclusively. This morphology is unfavorable for electrode behavior because of too high material resistance. Deposition transients allow to monitor the morphology. For flakes formation, oscillatons at deposition transients are observed, which can be associated with layer-by-layer growth.The recharging of all birnessite materials is reversible, but the specific capacity strongly depends on deposition potential and deposit thickness. The best results (ca. 500 mkF/cm2 at scan rates up to 0.1 V/s) are found for thin deposits fabricated at low overvoltage. ORR mass activity is comparable with observed earlier for MnO2, which is believed to undergo slow transformation to birnessite in alkaline solutions. The important advantage of electrodeposited birnessite as compared to the majority of chemically synthesized manganese oxides is a possibility to operate in the absence of conducting binder.

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