
Acute limb ischemia was defined as sudden decrease in limb perfusion of less than 14 days duration, resulting in variable ischaemic clinical manifestation and potential risk of limb loss. We reported a case female 64 years old with sudden onset of right leg pain in last 3 days with history of hipertension, Diabetes Mellitus and heart failure. From physical examination of lower extremity was found pulselessness, pallor, paresthesi, poikilothermia, paralysis, and pain at the level of A. Poplitea dextra. Diagnosis was confirmed with Duplex Ultrasonography. From arteriography we found thrombus with subtotal occlusion at proximal a. Femoralis dextra and diffuse stenosis at the distal. Operation was not carried out as the request of the patient and it was decided to performed Catheter-directed Thrombolysis. In evaluation there was flow improvement at a. Femoralis dextra but it did not reach peripheral perfussion due to reperfussion injury.


  • Iskemia tungkai akut didefinisikan sebagai hilangnya perfusi secara mendadak dari ekstremitas dengan durasi kurang dari 14 hari yang menyebabkan berbagai manifestasi klinis iskemia dan berpotensi menyebabkan kematian ekstremitas

  • We reported a case female 64 years old with sudden onset of right leg pain in last 3 days with history of hipertension, Diabetes Mellitus and heart failure

  • From arteriography we found thrombus with subtotal occlusion at proximal a

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Case Report

Acute limb ischemia was defined as sudden decrease in limb perfusion of less than 14 days duration, resulting in variable ischaemic clinical manifestation and potential risk of limb loss. We reported a case female 64 years old with sudden onset of right leg pain in last 3 days with history of hipertension, Diabetes Mellitus and heart failure. From physical examination of lower extremity was found pulselessness, pallor, paresthesi, poikilothermia, paralysis, and pain at the level of A. From arteriography we found thrombus with subtotal occlusion at proximal a. Femoralis dextra and diffuse stenosis at the distal. In evaluation there was flow improvement at a. Femoralis dextra but it did not reach peripheral perfussion due to reperfussion injury

Laporan Kasus
Jurnal Kardiologi Indonesia
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