
We present a novel image denoising algorithm that uses external, category specific image database. In contrast to existing noisy image restoration algorithms that search patches either from a generic database or noisy image itself, our method first selects clean images similar to the noisy image from a database that consists of images of the same class. Then, within the spatial locality of each noisy patch, it assembles a set of "support patches" from the selected images. These noisy-free support samples resemble the noisy patch and correspond principally to the identical part of the depicted object. In addition, we employ a content adaptive distribution model for each patch, where we derive the parameters of the distribution from the support patches. We formulate noise removal task as an optimization problem in the transform domain. Our objective function composed of a Gaussian fidelity term that imposes category specific information, and a low-rank term that encourages the similarity between the noisy and the support patches in a robust manner. The denoising process is driven by an iterative selection of support patches and optimization of the objective function. Our extensive experiments on five different object categories confirm the benefit of incorporating category-specific information to noise removal and demonstrate the superior performance of our method over the state-of-the-art alternatives.

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