
The category of correspondence / discrepancy indicates the nature of the event or phenomenon which correlates with particular consequence (conformity value) or does not correlate with particular consequence (the value of the discrepancy). In modern studies the category of correspondence / discrepancies and the means of its explication have only been outlined in grammar studies and need to be studied more thoroughly. The purpose of the proposed article is to provide a holistic description of the functional-semantic category of correspondence / discrepancy and means of its implementation in modern Ukrainian language.The object of the research was simple and complex sentences of modern Ukrainian language; the subject is the semantic-syntactic relations of correspondence / discrepancy and the means of their realization. A number of methods have been used in the study: descriptive method was used for a linguistic reasoning of the category of correspondence / discrepancy, inventorying of means of its representation in the Ukrainian language and ranking of implementation areas; structural-semantic analysis was implemented to find out semantic-syntactic relationships; transposition analysis was applied to determine the central and peripheral areas of the implementation of these relationships. The category of correspondence / discrepancy is a functional-semantic category. It is subordinated directly to the subcategory of conditionality and through the last one, is based on the contrast between two grammems – the grammeme of correspondence and the grammeme of discrepancy. The basic means of realization of the category under analysis in the Ukrainian language are complex sentences of correspondence / discrepancy, they form its’ central part. Specialized conjunctions що… то, що не… то (й) are the main representatives of semantic-syntactic relations of correspondence between their predicative parts. The semantics of discrepancy is formed by the correlation of predicative parts’ content, which are connected by an asemantic conjunction що, and conjunctions аби, щоб and бо which are transposed from the spheres of other relations. The half-periphery zone of the category of correspondence / discrepancy consists of simple semantically complicated sentences with secondary predicate syntactical units, which are expressed by prepositional and case forms: з, відповідно до, виходячи з, залежно від, у світлі, у дусі + родовий відмінок; згідно з, за + instrumental case; на + знахідний відмінок – with the meaning of discrepancy; у розріз з + instrumental case – with the meaning of discrepancy. The periphery zone of the functional-semantic category’s implementation of correspondence / discrepancy forms compound sentences with asemantic conjunctions і (й) and a.

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