
We reconcile interactive and additive models of category intersection by recasting these theoretical efforts within the conceptual combination framework. In three studies (Ntot  = 364), we showed that, in line with an interactive approach, combining 'elderly men' with 'gay men' generated an atypical subtype with unique attributes that could not be reduced to the sum of the attributes of the constituent categories (Studies 1-3). Moreover, consistent with the additive models, combining 'heterosexual men' with age categories (i.e. young/elderly men, Study 1) made their age typicality particularly salient, and 'young men' with sexual orientation categories (i.e. gay/heterosexual men, Study 2) emphasized their sexual orientation typicality. Also, participants not only appraised 'gay men' and 'young gay men' in part as redundant categories, but they also judged 'elderly men' and 'elderly heterosexual men' to be largely overlapping. These findings take advantage of a multi-method assessment, spanning from measures of perceived typicality to the analysis of attributes freely generated in reaction to the target categories. Our results inform cognitive models of multiple category combinations and shed light on the cognitive 'invisibility' of elderly gay men and its social implications.

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