
The paper deals with the problems of text linguistics as soon as language relations with various aspects of human life, social existence, education, communication, and cultural activity are cognized through the text. The aim of this paper is to establish the regularities of the functioning of the scientific and educational texts with the focus on the study of specific categories of text linguistics. The author considers the issues of text linguistics categorical apparatus united by shared characteristics, the most essential properties, and phenomena of the objective world. The notion ‘category of text linguistics’ as of a meaningful system with the certain structure of the defined category was justified. Insights into such characteristics and properties were provided. Further possibilities for expanding the scope of linguistic research were outlined. They include all linguistic ideas that integrate with interdisciplinary sciences – philosophy, psychology, lexicology, ethics, linguistics, and stylistics. Methods and techniques of research, investigation of the object of the linguistic text: its composition, inner and outer connections, properties and relations, as well as laws of its development were determined. It is emphasized that the specificity of a particular type of activity corresponds to a particular style, which is known through the text and determines the text categories. Scientific and educational texts used in the process of studying a foreign language are characterized with a specific thematic orientation and typical for them logical-syntactic structure. It is this specificity that determines the interest of a certain contingent of students in mastering profession-related types of texts. Important properties of the text – cohesion and coherence – allow establishing connections between the text and its individual structural and semantic components facilitating its perception and understanding. Categories of texts form the students' communication skills and abilities, allowing to interact in the professional sphere and prepare them for realization of own communicative and practical attitudes.

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