
Pilidium larvae at different developmental stages have been investigated for the occurrence of glyoxylic acid induced fluorescence in catecholamines (CA), and serotonin-like (5-HT) and neuropeptide FMRFamide-like (FMRFamide) immunoreactivity (ir). The distribution of CA, 5-HT-ir and FMRFamide-ir cells and processes was compared with the location of nerve processes as found by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). In the pilidium larvae the marginal and oral nerves contain CA and 5-HT-ir processes and 5-HT-ir unipolar cells. The posterior suboral nerve contain CA and 5-HT-ir processes, whereas in the anterior suboral nerve neither CA nor 5-HT-ir and FMRFamide-ir were observed. The lateral helmet nerve contains FMRFamide-ir processes and unipolar cells. In the epidermis CA and 5-HT-ir multipolar cells were found. The juvenile “worm” that develops inside the pilidium larva was found to contain only 5-HT-ir. A pair of lateral cords extent the whole length of the juvenile and anteriorly they form the anterior ventral cerebral commissure. Also, from the anterior part of the lateral cords projects a pair of circumrhynchodeal processes which dorsally form the dorsal cerebral commissure. A pair of proboscis processes originate from the circumrhynchodeal processes and extend the whole length of the probosics. From the dorsal cerebral commissure cephalic processes project rostrally and ventrally. Only unipolar 5-HT-ir cells were observed, and they were located along the lateral cords into which their processes extend.

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