
(+)-Catechin is a versatile compound with its pharmacophore (catechol and resorcinol) responsible for prooxidant and antibacterial activities. In this study, we present that demonstrating the synergistic interaction between (+)-catechin and quinolone-based antibiotics, ciprofloxacin and gemifloxacin is related to reactive oxygen species generation. The minimum inhibitory concentration of (+)-catechin against Acinetobacter baumannii AB5075 were considerably lowered for ΔsodB and ΔkatG mutants. Checkerboard assay shows synergistic interactions between (+)-catechin and quinolones. (+)-Catechin amplified quinolones-induced redox imbalance by increasing superoxide ion generation, NAD+/NADH ratio and ADP/ATP ratio. Conversely, the level of reduced glutathione was significantly lowered. We conclude that (+)-catechin potentiates quinolone-based antibiotics-induced oxidative stress in A. baumannii by increasing ROS generation, energy metabolism and electron transport chain activity with a concomitant decrease in glutathione.

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