
Digital wallets have emerged as game-changing technologies that are transforming the way businesses function and engage with their customers in today's quickly changing digital economy. Implications of digital wallets on corporate operations, customer interaction tactics, and business models. We look into the numerous ways that digital wallets support innovation, efficiency, and customer-centricity across a range of businesses. We want to provide a thorough understanding of how digital wallets are catalyzing change in the business and offer strategic insights for organizations looking to harness their revolutionary potential by looking at real-life case studies, obstacles, and possibilities. The necessity for businesses to adapt, integrate, and maximize digital wallet technology as they traverse the fluid environment of contemporary commerce is underlined by this study. Examine how digital wallets have a significant impact on how businesses operate. The UTAUT theory, which is well known for its potency in explaining the acceptance and usage of technology, offers a solid framework for examining the trans-formative implications of the adoption of digital wallets in the business setting. This paper evaluates the important factors that drive the adoption of digital wallets through an empirical analysis, including performance expectations, effort expectations, social influence, enabling environments, and their subsequent effects on business transformation. We seek to provide a thorough knowledge of how digital wallets serve as change agents in businesses, influencing their strategies, procedures, and consumer interactions by using the UTAUT framework. The conclusions drawn from this study will not only add to the body of knowledge on technology adoption but also provide useful advice for companies looking to strategically incorporate digital wallet technologies to traverse the rapidly changing world of digital commerce.

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