
Tribe Odacanthini is a tribe of ground beetles in the family Carabidae subfamily Lebiinae, there are more than 43 genera and 680 described species in Odacanthini (Lorenz, 2021). Genus Odacantha includs 15 extant species known so far. European-Asian genus Odacantha, in Ukraine is represented by single species Odacantha melanura (Linnaeus, 1767). Species distributed in Western Palearctic from medle parts of Spain, Italy and Balkan Peninsula till to southern provinces of Fennoscandia, to East reached Amur River, recorded in Caucasus and Iran (Burakowski et al., 1974). Odacantha melanura (Linnaeus, 1767) is a winged, spring breeder and occurs in the Scirpus, Typha and Phragmites thicketon the banks of reservoirs and bogs (Hůrka, 1996). In Ukraine Odacantha melanura (Linnaeus, 1767) recorded in Podillia (Tovtry ridge, Pantalykhy steppe, Butsyky) (Nowicki, 1864), Horodok vicinity (Malkovychi) (Łomnicki, 1868), Butsyky (Łomnicki, 1870), banks of the Dnipro River near Kyiv (Hochhuth, 1871), Podillia (Nowicki, 1873), Ivano-Frankove (Zalissia) (Król, 1877), Lviv (Vulka near Sobka pond), Ivano-Frankove (Zalissia) (Łomnicki, 1890), Ternopil (Rybiński, 1903), up to Kharkiv and Kherson gubernias (provinces) (Якобсон, 1905), Kamianets-Podilskyi (Якубовский, 1914), Uzhhorod and all Transcarpathians lowland (Roubal, 1930), Crimea (Эйдельберг, Мальцев, Перваков, 1988), Forest (Novgorod-Siverske Polissia) and Forest-steppe zones of Left-Bank Ukraine (Kirichenko, Babko, 2004 (2005)), Mezynskyi National Nature Park (Шешурак, Назаров, 2021). In the collection of the State Museum of Natural History, National Academy of Scienses of Ukraine (SMNH) are stored 19 specimens collected in western part of Ukraine, Poland and Austria. Collection material represents the following physiographic regions: Temprate broad-leaf forests zone: Roztotsko-Opilska Upland oblast (Roztochchia district (9 specimens), Opillia district (1)), West Podillia Upland oblast (3), Ukrainian Carpathians: Ciscarpathians Upland oblast (1). The findings are collected by the following collectors M. Łomnicki, J. Mazurek, dr. Łuczakowski , A. Stöckl, H. Eder, Yu. Polianskyi, A. Winkler, V. Zanko in the period of ~1868 – first half of XX century.

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