
The paper entitled “Cataloging of Happy facial Affect using a Radial Basis Function Neural Network” has developed an affect recognition system for identifying happy affect from faces using a RBF neural network. The methodology adapted by this research is a four step process: image preprocessing, marking of region of interest, feature extraction and a classification network. The emotion recognition system has been a momentous field in human–computer interaction. Though it is considerably a challenging field to make a system intelligent that is able to identify and understand human emotions for various vital purposes, e.g. security, society, entertainment but many research work has been done and going on, in order to produce an accurate and effective emotion recognition system. Emotion recognition system can be classified into facial emotion recognition and speech emotion recognition. This work is on facial emotion recognition that identifies one of the seven basic emotions i.e. happy affect. This is carried out by extracting unique facial expression feature; calculating euclidean distance, and building the feature vector. For classification radial basis function neural network is used. The deployment was done in Matlab. The happy affect recognition system gave satisfactory results.

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