
AbstractA catalog of basic audio-visual recordings containing rare and incongruent events for security and in-home-care scenarios for European research project Detection and Identification of Rare Audio-visual Cues is presented in this paper. The purpose of this catalog is to provide a basic and atomistic testbed to the scientific community in order to validate methods for rare and incongruent event detection. The recording equipment and setup is defined to minimize the influence of error that might affect the overall quality of the recordings in a negative way. Additional metadata, such as a defined format for scene descriptions, comments, labels and physical parameters of the recording setup is presented as a basis for evaluation of the utilized multimodal detectors, classifiers and combined methods for rare and incongruent event detection. The recordings presented in this work are available online on the DIRAC preoject website [1].KeywordsEvent DetectionVoice Activity DetectionCast ShadowRecording SetupVideo Frame RateThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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