
This paper describes the design and implementation of a machine vision system CATALOG for detection and classification of some important internal defects in hardwood logs via analysis of computer axial tomography (CT or CAT) images. The defect identification and classification in CATALOG consists of two phases. The first phase comprises of the segmentation of a single CT image slice, which results in the extraction of 2D defect-like regions from the CT image slice. The second phase comprises of the correlation of the 2D defect-like regions across CT image slices in order to establish 3D support. The segmentation algorithm for a single CT image is a complex form of multiple-value thresholding that exploits both, the prior knowledge of the wood structure within the log and the gray-level characteristics of the image. The algorithm for extraction of 2D defect-like regions in a single CT image first locates the pith of the log cross section, groups the pixels in the segmented image on the basis of their connectivity and classifies each 2D region as either a defect-like region or a defect-free region using shape, orientation and morphological features. Each 2D defect-like region is classified as a defect or non-defect via correlation across corresponding 2D defect-like regions in neighboring CT image slices. The 2D defect-like regions with adequate 3D support are labeled as true defects. The current version of CATALOG is capable of 3D reconstruction and rendering of the log and its internal defects from the individual CT image slices. CATALOG is also capable of simulation and rendering of key machining operations such as sawing and veneering on the 3D reconstructions of the logs. The current version of CATALOG is intended as a decision aid for sawyers and machinists in lumber mills and also as an interactive training tool for novice sawyers and machinists.

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