
We have used the Hubble Space Telescope (HST ) and the Faint Object Spectrograph (FOS) to study faint UV stars in the core of the nearby globular cluster NGC 6397. We con—rm the presence of a fourth cataclysmic variable (CV) in NGC 6397 (hereafter CV 4), and we use the photometry of Cool et al. to present evidence that CVs 1¨4 all have faint disks and probably low accretion rates. By combining these results with new UV spectra of CV 1 and the published spectra of Grindlay et al., we present new evi- dence that CVs 1¨3 may be DQ Her systems, as originally suggested by Grindlay et al., and we show that CV 4 may either be a dwarf nova or another magnetic system. Another possibility is that the CVs could be old novae in hibernation between nova eruptions. We also present the —rst spectrum of a member of a new class of UV bright stars in NGC 6397. These faint, hot stars do not vary, unlike the CVs, and are thus denoted as ii non—ickerers ˇˇ (NFs). Like the CVs, their spatial concentration is strongly concentrated toward the cluster center. Using detailed comparisons with stellar atmosphere models, we have determined log g 6.25 ^ 1.0 and K for this NF. Using these line parameters T eff 17,500 ^ 5,000 and the luminosity of the NF, we show that the NF spectrum is consistent with a helium WD having a mass of D0.25 and an age between 0.1 and 0.5 Gyr (depending on the models used). The NF spec- M _ trum appears to be signi—cantly Doppler shifted from the expected wavelength, suggesting the presence of a dark, massive companion, probably a carbon-oxygen (CO) WD. Subject headings: globular clusters: individual (NGC 6397) ¨ novae, cataclysmic variables

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