
Pseudomonas doudoroffii, a strict aerobe of marine origin, was able to utilize fructose and ribose but not glucose, gluconate, or other hexoses, pentoses, or sugar alcohols as sole sources of carbon and energy. Evidence was presented indicating that in this organism fructose was utilized via an inducible P-enolpyruvate: fructose phosphotransferase system (FPTS) which catalyzed the phosphorylation of fructose in the 1 position. The resulting fructose-1-P (F-1-P) was converted to fructose-1,6-P2 (FDP) by means of an inducible 1-P-fructokinase (1-PFK). The subsequent conversion of FDP to pyruvate involved enzymes of the Embden-Meyerhof pathway (EMP) which, with the exception of glyceraldehyde-3-P dehydrogenase (G3PDH), were constitutive. Two G3PDH activities were detected, one of which was inducible and NAD-dependent while the other was constitutive and NADP-dependent. Cell-free extracts of P. doudoroffii also contained enzymes of the methylglyoxal pathway (MGP) which converted dihydroxyacetone-P to pyruvate. The low specific activities of enzymes of this pathway as compared to the EMP suggested that the major route of FDP catabolism was via the latter pathway. 2. Ribose catabolism appeared to involve an inducible uptake system and an inducible ribokinase, the resulting ribose-5-P being converted to glyceraldehyde-3-P and fructose-6-P (F-6-P) by means of constitutive activities of the pentose-P pathway. The F-6-P formed as a result of these reactions was converted to FDP by means of a constitutive 6-P-fructokinase (6-PFK). Since no activity converting fructose or F-1-P to F-6-P could be detected in cell-free extracts of P. doudoroffii, the results suggested that fructose and ribose were catabolized via 1-PFK and 6-PFK, respectively, the two pathways converging at the level of FDP. Further evidence for this suggestion was obtained from a mutant which lacked an NAD-dependent G3PDH, accumulated FDP from both fructose and ribose, and was not able to grow on either of these compounds. 3. Ribose grown cells had increased amounts of the fructose uptake system and 1-PFK suggesting that a compound (or compounds) common to the catabolism of both fructose and ribose acted as the inducer(s) of these activities. Evidence was presented suggesting that the probable inducer(s) of 1-PFK and FPTS could be FDP, glyceraldehyde-3-P, or dihydroxyacetone-P. 4. A mutant unable to grow on fructose was characterized and found to lack FPTS while retaining 1-PFK and other enzyme activities of the EMP and MGP, indicating that a functional FPTS was essential for growth on fructose and suggesting that all or most of this sugar was catabolized via F-1-P.

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