
Caste as a concept posed a great challenge to the academic world both due to its origin and implications. Most of the academics have analysed its existence and described the operations with some implications. Dr Ambedkar had not only written on the issues of caste inequality but also fought against it in India, especially for the human rights of ex-untouchables known as Dalit’s. Therefore, it is imperative to understand his views on caste inequality which is structural in nature. As we know that, caste is a foundation of the society and it has manifested in social, economic, political and educational inequalities among various classes of the Indian society, especially caste Hindus. However, this article attempts to understand his views in the present context of growing caste inequality. In fact, there has not been much attention paid to his thought in the Indian academic world. This article also aims to enhance the understanding of caste inequality in the face of increasing global inequality of the world. In the present context, the economic gap between higher castes and lower castes is increasing in all the sphere of human life. There are changes in caste inequality at the superficial level, but there are no changes at the structural level of caste. Caste inequality has manifested in a worst form of discrimination and untouchability on the basis of birth. This article deliberates on the distinctive ideas of Dr Ambedkar on caste and its annihilation. We view this on the background of writings on caste by a selective sociologist. One needs no reiteration of the fact that caste is deeply rooted in Indian society and strengthened through various catalysts. Annihilation of caste besides analysing the origin, its perpetuation also connotes a reconstruction of Indian society based on the principles of liberty, equality and fraternity, which were the basic commitments of Dr Ambedkar and embedded in Buddhism as the egalitarian religion of India. Here we touch up on the interdisciplinary contributions of Dr Ambedkar through his analysis of caste, never ever carried forward significantly. Annihilation of caste was not for a single religion, it was for all as well since all are infected by the hierarchy, if not caste. It is established here that the ideas of Ambedkar on caste and its annihilation are worth revisiting, when the discourses on caste are taking their wayward path. The article is divided into two parts. First, it explores the ideas of Ambedkar on the mechanism, genesis and development of caste; and second, how other scholars have understood caste in order to understand Indian society at large. Dr Ambedkar was a protagonist of modern democratic principles such as justice, liberty and equality.

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