
Narcotics are drugs that are made to reduce someone’s awareness, eliminate existing feelings, and can cause dependence on these drugs, the opinion is in accordance with Law No. 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics. Therefore, improvements to prevent the number of people using drugs need to be considered more. The purpose of this study is 1. To determine the occurrence of drug cases in Indonesia. 2. To get a solution to reduce the prevalence of drug abuse that is happening anywhere. This type of research is quantitativi. The place or location carried out for research is related to the target of the research problem which is focused on the location, namely in the Sukoharjo district police station. The nature of research using descriptive methods. And data collection techniques using the questionnaire method. Narcotics themselves can have an impact on someone depending on the type, and can be seen from the condition or situation of the person or the community. The negative effects arising from drug can be very broad, ranging from physical to cultural and so forth. This study takes valid data from the National Narcotics Agency, which is increasing every year. To be able to reduce we can socialize about the dangers of drug in the community, maintain promiscuity, look for positive activities. There efforts were made to reduce cases of drug use that are insreasingly out of control.

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