
ABSTRACT Lake Springfield is a 1,635 hectare reservoir located in central Illinois. The lake is important to the City of Springfield since it serves as a cooling lake for two municipal coal-fired power plants and is the chief water supply source for the area. Accumulation of 13 million cubic yards of sediment in the upper reaches of the lake threatened its adequacy to meet the City's future water supply requirements. Moreover, effects of agricultural runoff into the lake reduced recreational opportunities and contaminated several species of fish to the extent that the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) issued an advisory limiting their consumption. As a result, a three-phase, $9 million lake rehabilitation project was initiated consisting of shoreline stabilization, watershed soil conservation, and sediment removal. The major portion of the project required hydraulic removal of nearly 2.7 million cubic yards of sediment from the upper reaches of the lake. Unexpectedly, the possibly toxic natu...

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