
Mining can be described as one of the activities carried out by humanity with a long history and an excellent reflection of how industrialization and technology have impacted its performance. Currently, Industry 4.0 seeks to focus on optimizing procedures according to current material needs and reducing environmental impacts, reducing the carbon footprint of its operations. Two of the applications of industry 4.0 in open pit mining are simulation and the use of artificial intelligence with visual data to determine improvement plans in the operation. Simulation has been used in different industries to detect bottlenecks and plan operations, and it has been determined that one of its most important tasks is the selection of input data, this is where the use of visual data for mining comes into play. and the correction and interpretation of the same using artificial intelligence. In this case study, the input data selection process and the procedure built for the execution of a simulation that generates value in the real process can be evidenced, through the case study it was possible to determine that an increase in production and a reduction in emissions and fuel consumption through the optimization of hauling routes, these optimizations included the reduction of slopes and the correction of widths according to the dimensions of the trucks.

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