
AbstractThe promise of Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) includes the ability to detect potential errors earlier and more accurately. This paper examines whether modern Digital Engineering (DE) techniques could have averted engineering disasters of the past had they been employed at the time. Three case studies are presented: Apollo XIII, Therac‐25, and a modern surface naval system. For each, the nature of the system and the error are discussed, and an abbreviated architectural model is presented, using a style designed for a semi‐automated model syntax analy‐sis technique called validation. A validation suite was executed against the example model to de‐termine if the defect which caused the failure was detected. Practitioners of systems engineering interested will benefit through these technical examples in leveraging MBSE for early develop‐ment defect reduction. Conclusions about which types of defects are detectable using modern MBSE techniques are presented with recommendations for future research.

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