
NFANTS with hypotonia of unknown etiology pose a unique challenge as many of the potential diagnoses have major, often conflicting, anesthetic management implications. The differential diagnosis of hypotonia is long and includes possibilities such as Duchenne muscular dystrophy, central core disease, and multiminicore disease. Intravenous anesthetic techniques are recommended because hyperkalemia or malignant hyperthermia is associated with the use of volatile anesthetics. However, the differential diagnosis of infants with hypotonia also includes mitochondrial disorders. In children with mitochondrial disorders, an intravenous anesthetic technique that includes propofol could lead to metabolic decompensation because propofol alters mitochondrial electron transfer. This dilemma is often encountered when hypotonic infants require anesthesia for diagnostic tests such as magnetic resonance imaging and muscle biopsies for definitive diagnosis.

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