
This study aims to present a clinical case and assess the efficacy of the Bimler C Elastic Modeler, a functional orthopedic appliance, in the early treatment of a patient diagnosed with mesiocclusion (mandibular prognathism) based on Bimler and McNamara Cephalometrics. Additionally, we aim to delineate the observed positive changes in facial expression during the course of treatment with this functional orthopedic appliance. The female patient, aged six years and nine months, manifested atypical swallowing, respiratory challenges, and allergic conditions such as rhinitis. Comprehensive examination further revealed facial asymmetry and a smile with lip asymmetry. Intra-oral examination exposed a rightward deviation of the mandible, crossbite, open bite, and mesiocclusion. The proposed intervention encompassed the application of the Bimler Elastic Modeler (BEM) functional orthopedic appliance. The documented treatment duration spanned 12 months, with ongoing monitoring every 2 or 3 months. The treatment, utilizing the BEM functional orthopedic appliance, coupled with exercises and adjustments, improved mandibular and tongue posture, enhancing overall chewing balance. The appliance effectively repositioned the mandible to a more balanced position approaching normocclusion, achieving this without causing pain or discomfort and without the necessity for elastic or constant forces. Given the crucial role of facial expression muscles in these activities, a pronounced enhancement in facial harmony was observed. These affirmative outcomes significantly contributed to heightened patient engagement throughout the treatment process and a concomitant enhancement in patient self-esteem, attributable to the documented aesthetic and functional ameliorations.

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