
SUMMARY A chukar partridge, typically female in action and appearance, had a yellowish-white smooth-surfaced firm testicle-like ovoid structure and an oviduct in the ovarian and oviductal positions. Histologically, variously sized and shaped tubules lined with one to 2 layers of epithelial cells (not differentiated into recognizable gonadal tissue) were features consonant with a well-differentiated arrhenoblastoma. CASE REPORT Six young but mature chukar partridges, produced on a privately owned game farm (accepted practices for hatching, brooding, etc., were observed), were submitted for examination. These chukars were confined in large woven-wire pens and fed a commercial gamebird ration. They were well developed and active. One partridge, typically female in action and appearance, had a yellowish-white smooth-surfaced firm ovoid testicle-like structure (0.7 X 1.2 cm) in the ovary position; it was attached to the ventral vertebral tissues at the posterior pole by an apparent extension of the capsule. In size and appearance it resembled a testicle. A small nodule with a curved, pointed extension was similar in appearance and consistency to the larger structure (Fig. 1). Ovarian tissue was not apparent. An oviduct (normal in size, location, and development) communicated with the cloaca; its mucosa was brown. Other organs were normal. Such a neoplasm presumably occurs infrequently, and this apparent first report in a chukar partridge prompted this communication. Representative tissues, fixed in 10% buffered formalin, were processed by the usual procedures, and sections were stained with

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