
A 5-year-old multiparous lactating Holstein cow was reported to have cystic ovarian disease with a history of whitish vaginal discharge on the 80th day postpartum. On the 83rd day postpartum, transrectal ultrasonography revealed a thick-walled cystic structure with visible cobwebs in the cavity, measuring 4.2[Formula: see text]cm × 3.4[Formula: see text]cm in diameter on the right ovary. The serum progesterone (P4) concentration was 6.82[Formula: see text]ng/mL, leading to a diagnosis of luteinized follicular cyst. Transvaginal aspiration of the cyst was performed to decrease the compression of ovarian stroma by the cyst, followed by intramuscular administrations of cloprostenol and buserelin. A 1.9[Formula: see text]cm diameter corpus luteum was detected on the right ovary nine days after aspiration, with a serum P4 concentration of 1.29[Formula: see text]ng/mL. Continual hormone treatment was followed, consisting of an injection of buserelin and an intravaginal progesterone-releasing device inserted for seven days. After seven days, two corpora lutea were noted on the right ovary with an average diameter of 2.8[Formula: see text]cm and 1.8[Formula: see text]cm, respectively. The device was removed and the cow showed a P4 concentration of 11.22[Formula: see text]ng/mL on that day. Estrus induction was conducted with two low doses of cloprostenol followed by an injection of gonadorelin, to induce a complete luteolysis and the following ovulation to fit a fixed-timed artificial insemination (AI). Pregnancy was confirmed 33 days after AI. Although the number of days open was 102 in this case, it took a total of 19 days from treatment to pregnancy.

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