
The particulars of the following case may be sufficiently interesting to place on record, as bearing on the morbid anatomy of aphasia, and, further, as illustrating the negative results which follow localised destruction of convolutions posterior to the “Fissure of Rolando.” The patient, an elderly imbecile female, had been an inmate of the Cork District Lunatic Asylum for the last forty-five years. She was invariably quiet and docile, clean in her habits and person, and sufficiently rational to answer ordinary questions addressed to her quite correctly. She spoke slowly, and with emphasis, but always used the right words to express her meaning; and there was never any noticeable defect in her speech, so far as her powers of conversation went. She had a peculiarly long and pointed tongue, which she took a pride in exhibiting, and which she was able to protrude to an enormous extent. There was no loss or deficiency of motor power whatever, and up to some little time before her death her general health was excellent. On December 29th, 1875, she suffered from a severe attack of erysipelas of the face and scalp, which was, however, subdued in a few days by inunctions of mercurial ointment and liberal support. During this time she became extremely dull and apathetic, being with difficulty roused; but on being pressed could still answer questions rationally. As the erysipelas passed away she returned to her former condition, being quite as well and as intelligent as before.

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