
The article presents a unique clinical observation of adrenocortical cancer (ACC) in a newborn baby, whose mother suffered from a recurrent form of maxillary fibrosarcoma and had a burdened obstetric and gynecological history, but was not examined by a geneticist. Complications of ACC in the presented patient were secondary hypertrophic cardiomyopathy with obstruction of the exit paths of both ventricles, Itsenko– Cushing syndrome. Despite the surgical treatment carried out according to vital indications (tumoradinectomy on the right with hormonal support with a Solu-Cortef), the child died during the progression of multiple organ failure and sepsis.


  • The article presents a unique clinical observation of adrenocortical cancer (ACC) in a newborn baby, whose mother suffered from a recurrent form of maxillary fibrosarcoma and had a burdened obstetric and gynecological history, but was not examined by a geneticist

  • Despite the surgical treatment carried out according to vital indications, the child died during the progression of multiple organ failure and sepsis

  • Заключение Нельзя исключить зависимости между приемом матерью гормональных препаратов до и во время беременности и возникновением врожденного адренокортикального рака (АКР) у плода

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The article presents a unique clinical observation of adrenocortical cancer (ACC) in a newborn baby, whose mother suffered from a recurrent form of maxillary fibrosarcoma and had a burdened obstetric and gynecological history, but was not examined by a geneticist. В статье представлено уникальное клиническое наблюдение адренокортикального рака (АКР) у новорожденного ребенка, мать которого страдала рецидивирующей формой фибросаркомы верхней челюсти и имела отягощенный акушерский и гинекологический анамнез, но не была обследована врачом-генетиком. Осложнениями АКР у представленного пациента были вторичная гипертрофическая кардиомиопатия с обструкцией выходных трактов обоих желудочков, синдром Иценко–Кушинга.

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