
Abstract Parker et. al., (2015), SPE 175535, presented an engineered completion methodology utilizing diagnostic technology integration relating to horizontal shale wells in the Delaware basin. That paper focused on technologies pertaining to hydraulic fracture design for the Wolfcamp A reservoir using a discrete fracture network (DFN) model for predicting fracture geometry, formation evaluation, oil tracers, microseismic monitoring and production history matching. The final results of the paper showed that the application of an integrated technology approach provided the operator with a systematic method for designing, analyzing, and optimizing multi-stage/multi-cluster transverse hydraulic fractures in horizontal wellbores. Since publishing the paper, the completion and fracture stimulation design methodology has been further extended with improved well performance. This new work presents longer term well results from the original paper and additional wells that have since been completed with design improvements based on this process. Further technologies have since been added to the completion processes which have enhanced well performance, including the application of rate transient analysis (RTA) analysis, applied post job engineering analytics (APJA), additional pressure history matching (PHM) and post-fracture pressure matches to help refine the DFN model. The purpose of this work will be to further outline the benefits of utilizing multiple diagnostic technology integration to design, analyze and optimize completion and fracture stimulation design in the Wolfcamp shale. Detailed discussion related to created and propped fracture half-lengths, estimates of minimum conductivity, perforation design and cluster efficiency are presented. The value of diagnostic technology, EUR considerations and well economics will also be addressed. Readers of this paper will gain insight on how sound engineering, fracture modeling and data integration can increase recovery and optimize completions in the Wolfcamp and Bone Spring formations. Those working in the Delaware and Midland basins can readily apply specific learnings from this work to new completions. Additionally, the methods and engineering principles presented in this paper will provide a basis-of-design to enhance productivity and well economics for horizontal wells in unconventional resources.

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