
A personality disorder is a condition of a person with an extreme personality that causes the sufferer to have unhealthy and different thoughts patterns and behavior from other people. The personality disorders discussed in this study consisted of 110 diseases with 300 case data and 68 symptoms. Based on Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) 2018 data, it shows that more than 19 million people aged 15 years and over were affected by mental-emotional disorders. Data from the Statistics Indonesia in 2019 that the population of Indonesia is around 265 million people, while according to the Indonesian Clinical Psychologist Association, the number of verified professional psychologists is 1,599 clinical psychologists out of a total membership of 2,078 as of January 2019. However, this figure does not meet the standards of the World Health Organization (WHO), which is that psychologists serve 30 thousand people. This shows that Indonesia still lacks around 28,970 psychologists. The unequal distribution of professional psychologists has made psychologists need a long time to provide a diagnosis because of the number of patients being inversely proportional to the availability of psychologists in Indonesia. Moreover, there is not enough patient knowledge about the symptoms they feel. This study aims to produce a system for diagnosing personality disorders. This study is a case based reasoning to solve problems that have occurred in previous cases using K-Nearest Neighbor to classify data based on the closest distance using the calculation of the Euclidean Distance. Algorithm testing for the system used the Confusion Matrix test. Based on the results of testing data in the 60 case data using K-nearest Neighbor and the calculation of the Euclidean Distance with a score of K=3, it is known that 60 data have 100% similarity to cases with a personality disorder. Meanwhile, testing new cases with 10 case data that were not in the knowledge base was also conducted showing that 9 cases had 100% similarity to the previous case, while another case had 90% similarity to the previous case.

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