
The purpose of this application, under Article 23.9.3 of the Code, is to suppress the little-used senior homonym charinidae Gray, 1849 in order to conserve the family-group name charinidae Quintero, 1986. charinidae Quintero, 1986 is a well-established name for the most speciose group of Amblypygi, while charinidae (originally charinini) Gray, 1849 has been little used since its original proposal; to resurrect this name would be disruptive to both arachnid and snake taxonomy. The suppression of charinidae Gray 1849 will help to conserve its widely used junior synonym ungaliopheinae McDowell, 1987. The name charinidae Cope, 1886 is declared nomen oblitum under Article 23.9.2 of the Code. The family-group name charinusidae Pyron, Reynolds & Burbrink, 2014 (Arachnida) proposed to replace the family-group name charinidae Quintero, 1986 is unavailable and unnecessary.

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