
The purpose of this application, under Articles 23.9.3, 23.9.5 and 81.2.1 of the Code, is to conserve the specific name Onitis aeruginosus Klug, 1855. Although Onitis aeruginosus Perty, 1830 and Onitis aeruginosus Klug, 1855 are primary homonyms, both names are in use today and have not been considered congeneric since 1859, when the senior homonym was transferred to the genus Gromphas Brullé, 1837. As the probability of these being considered congeneric in the future is very small, it is proposed that Onitis aeruginosus Klug, 1855 be conserved by ruling that it is not invalid by reason of being a primary junior homonym of Onitis aeruginosus Perty, 1830. A third homonym, Onitis aeruginosus Gistel, 1831, also has priority over Onitis aeruginosus Klug, 1855, but cannot be fixed to any species; therefore, it should be considered a nomen dubium and totally suppressed for the purposes of the Principle of Priority and of the Principle of Homonymy.

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