
The purpose of this application, under Article 69 of the Code, is to conserve the usage of the generic name Tentyria Latreille, 1802 by designation of Tentyria ligurica Solier, 1835 as the type species of this genus of darkling beetles from the Palaearctic region. A series of previous nomenclatural acts resulted in the designation of Pimelia orbiculata Fabricius, 1775 as the type species of both Tentyria Latreille, 1802 and Tentyrina Reitter, 1900 making Tentyrina Reitter, 1900 an objective junior synonym of Tentyria Latreille, 1802. It is proposed that all previous fixations of type species of Tentyria Latreille, 1802 be set aside and Tentyria ligurica Solier, 1835 be designated as the type species.

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