
Defect detection is crucial in ensuring the quality of steel products. This paper proposes a novel deep neural network, cascaded adaptive global location network (CAGLNet), for detecting steel surface defects. The main objective of this study is to address the challenges associated with the irregular shape and dense spatial distribution of defects on steel. To achieve this goal, CAGLNet integrates a feature extraction network that combines residual and feature pyramid networks, a cascade adaptive tree-structure region proposal network (CAT-RPN) that eliminates the need for prior knowledge, and a global localisation regression for steel defect detection. This paper evaluates the effectiveness of CAGLNet on the NEU-DET dataset and demonstrates that the proposed model achieves an average accuracy of 85.40% with a fast frames per second of 10.06, outperforming those state-of-the-art methods. These results suggest that CAGLNet has the potential to significantly improve the effectiveness of defect detection in industrial production processes, leading to increased production yield and cost savings. Abbreviations: AT-RPN, adaptive tree-structure region proposal network; CAGLNet, cascaded adaptive global location network; CAT-RPN, cascade adaptive tree-structure region proposal network; CNN, convolutional neural network; DNN, deep neural network; EPNet, edge proposal network; FPN, feature pyramid network; FCOS, fully convolutional one-stage detector; FPS, frames per second; GMM, Gaussian mixture model; IoU, intersection-over-union; ROIAlign, region of interest align; RPN, region proposal network; ResNet, residual network; ResNet50_FPN, residual network and feature pyramid network; SABL, side aware boundary localisation; SSD, single-shot multiBox detector; TPE, Tree-structured Parzen estimator

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