
An anisotropic Hubbard model in quasi-two dimension under perpendicular fields is treated theoretically to explain cascade of first phase transitions in field-induced spin density wave states (FISDW) observed in the Bechgaard salts; (TMTSF) 2 X (X=ClO 4 , PF 6 , ReO 4 ). We show that under a fixed field ( H ) and temperature ( T ) there exist abundant local minima of the free energy, each of which corresponds to the FISDW subphase characterized by a distribution of many order parameters. As T varies, the free energy curves for these subphases cross each other, giving rise to a first order transition between the integer subphases. In addition to this sub-subphase transition, the sub-subphases themselves split further via a first order, followed by sub-sub-subphase transition. This process proceeds iteratively to infinity. We discuss the observed recursive phase diagram in the T vs H in terms of this theory.

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