
Modern information technology has been constantly evolving, transforming the traditional power grid into a network that couples both power and information layers. Understanding the cascade failure behavior of such power communication interdependent networks is essential for effectively controlling catastrophic network failures, preventing system collapse, and ensuring normal network operation. This research can contribute to the development of tools to predict and prevent such failures, and restore normal network functions in a timely manner. This paper focuses on the modeling method and cascading fault analysis of the power-information double-layer coupling network. We construct power information interdependent networks based on IEEE30 system and England39 system, and evaluate the cascade failure results using load distribution cascade failure model and HITS algorithm. The evaluation criteria include network efficiency, residual network size, and residual network load. By analyzing these parameters, we can gain insights into the performance of the power-information interdependent networks during cascade failures. Through simulation results, we demonstrate that the type i attack proposed in this paper renders the network structure unstable and less robust compared to the degree attack, intermediate attack, and random attack. These findings provide valuable references for developing strategies to mitigate the cascading failure of power-information interdependent networks.

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