
Investigations of the cartographic quality of Landsat-4 MSS and TM image data in CCT-p formats have produced rectification accuracies (rmsexy values) of ± 2/3 to ± 1 data pixel for both whole and subscene areas using polynomials of the first through third degree. In order to achieve these accuracies with MSS data, 15 or more Ground Control Points (GCP's) are required, whereas with the TM data sets as few as 5-10 GCPs will suffice. Factors which limit the cartographic rectification accuracies of the Landsat-4 data include: 1) spatial resolution of the data; 2) map and digitizing errors; and 3) terrain relief. Of these factors, data resolution is the most significant, limiting the location of GCP's to about ± 0.5 pixel. Horizontal displacements due to terrain relief can be minimized by selecting GCP's at or near midrange elevations. Overall, the representative rmsexy values of ±25 and ±55 m for TM and MSS data sets are within U.S. National Map Accuracy Standards for cartographic products of 1:100 000 and 1:200 000 scale, respectively.

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