
Denote by $U_{\mathcal I}({\mathcal H})$ the group of all unitary operators in ${\bf 1}+{\mathcal I}$ where ${\mathcal H}$ is a separable infinite-dimensional complex Hilbert space and ${\mathcal I}$ is any two-sided ideal of ${\mathcal B}({\mathcal H})$. A Cartan subalgebra ${\mathcal C}$ of ${\mathcal I}$ is defined in this paper as a maximal abelian self-adjoint subalgebra of~${\mathcal I}$ and its conjugacy class is defined herein as the set of Cartan subalgebras $\{V{\mathcal C} V^*\mid V\in U_{\mathcal I}({\mathcal H})\}$. For nonzero proper ideals ${\mathcal I}$ we construct an uncountable family of Cartan subalgebras of ${\mathcal I}$ with distinct conjugacy classes. This is in contrast to the by now classical observation of P. de La Harpe who noted that when ${\mathcal I}$ is any of the Schatten ideals, there is precisely one conjugacy class under the action of the full group of unitary operators on~${\mathcal B}$. In the case when ${\mathcal I}$ is a symmetrically normed ideal and is the dual of some Banach space, we show how the conjugacy classes of the Cartan subalgebras of ${\mathcal I}$ become smooth manifolds modeled on suitable Banach spaces. These manifolds are endowed with groups of smooth transformations given by the action of the group $U_{\mathcal I}({\mathcal H})$ on the orbits, and are equivariantly diffeomorphic to each other. We then find that there exists a unique diffeomorphism class of full flag manifolds of $U_{\mathcal I}({\mathcal H})$ and we give its construction.

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