
In this work, we revisit Carrollian hydrodynamics, a type of non-Lorentzian hydrodynamics which has recently gained increasing attentions due to its underlying connection with dynamics of spacetime near null boundaries, and we aim at exploring symmetries associated with conservation laws of Carrollian fluids. With an elaborate construction of Carroll geometries, we generalize the Randers–Papapetrou metric by incorporating the fluid velocity field and the sub-leading components of the metric into our considerations and we argue that these two additional fields are compulsory phase space variables in the derivation of Carrollian hydrodynamics from symmetries. We then present a new notion of symmetry, called the near-Carrollian diffeomorphism, and demonstrate that this symmetry consistently yields a complete set of Carrollian hydrodynamic equations. Furthermore, due to the presence of the new phase space fields, our results thus generalize those already presented in the previous literatures. Lastly, the Noether charges associated with the near-Carrollian diffeomorphism and their time evolutions are also discussed.

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