
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs), helically wrapped with single-stranded DNA, have recently emerged as a spin-filtering material. The inversion asymmetric helical potential of DNA creates a spin-filtering effect (commonly known as "chirality-induced spin selectivity" or CISS), which polarizes carrier spins in the nanotube. Thus, tuning of the DNA-CNT interaction is expected to affect carrier spins in nanotubes. The CISS effect induces spin polarization, which is coupled with the carrier's momentum direction, and therefore, in one-dimensional systems, such as nanotubes, momentum flip must be accompanied by a simultaneous spin flip. This spin momentum locking can have a profound impact on charge transport in nanotubes as backscattering due to phonons and disorder will be suppressed as these mechanisms are spin-independent. Here, we report DNA-CNT spin filters in which CNTs have been functionalized with two different classes of sequences, exhibiting different degrees of interaction with the CNT. They induce different degrees of spin polarization in the channel, with significant impact on temperature-dependent charge transport and interference phenomena arising from carrier backscattering. This work raises the intriguing possibility of engineering charge transport in nanotubes via CISS-induced spin polarization by tailor-made DNA sequences.

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