
Congenital leptin deficiency is a rare autosomal recessive disorder, characterized by hyperphagia and early onset obesity. Worldwide data on this disorder includes only 25 cases out of this only six pathogenic mutations have been reported in the leptin gene. Most of these cases have been reported in Central Punjab region of Pakistan, harboring a (p.Gly133fsX145) mutation in homozygous state. This mutation has founder effect in Arain caste from Central Punjab region of Pakistan. In this study, carrier frequency of (p.Gly133fsX145) mutation was determined in 50 individuals belonging to Arain caste. Analysis of amplicons contains p.Gly133fsX145 mutation were analyzed by different techniques such as SSCP, Heteroduplex analysis and sequencing. Mutation was not found in any individual studied. This finding suggests that frequency of (p.Gly133fsX145) mutation in Arain caste is not as higher as its predicted founder effect in congenitally obese children of this caste was anticipated.

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