
Big data is the fuel for powering pervasive artificial intelligence (AI) applications. Aiming at promoting efficient cooperation in data market for big data, in this paper we propose a novel cooperative data purchase framework, by leveraging the power of the data user crowd and their intrinsic trustworthy collaboration relationships. For achieving efficient cooperative data purchase, we develop a comprehensive approach consisting of both data purchase group formation and selection. For the data purchase group formation, we partition the users into multiple data purchase groups for the purpose of budget pooling, by taking into account their data interest and budget levels, meanwhile respecting their underlying collaboration relationships and the maximum allowable group size for data sharing enforced by the data market platform. For the data purchase group selection, we construct a data purchase flow network formulation and devise a minimum cut based solution for selecting the proper set of data purchase groups to fully support their demands subject to the budget constraints. We extensively evaluate the performance of cooperative data purchase framework using both Erdos-Renyi and scale-free collaboration graphs. The numerical results demonstrate that the proposed framework can achieve superior performance, with more than ${40}\%$ and ${100}\%$ performance gain over the case without cooperation in terms of the total received payment and the number of satisfied users, respectively.

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