
Median sensory and motor distal latencies (SDL/MDL) were correlated with age and duration of symptomatology in 1498 carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) patients (17-90 years old, 87.6% female). Patients were distributed in four groups according to distal latencies severity. There was an increase in age as long as SDL/MDL became more severe, ranging from 47.5 to 67 years old (mild to severe-absence potentials in both hands groups, respectively). There was a less dramatic increase in duration of complaints as long as SDL/MDL became more severe, ranging from 12 to 30.7 months (mild to severe-absence potentials in both hands groups, respectively). Aging correlates more positively than duration of complaints with severity of SDL/MDL in CTS. The effects of increasing median blockage in CTS are more severe as long as patients become older regardless duration of symptomatology.

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